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Nov 29, 2010

Blog# 13 Sia... "The Wildchild"...

I first found out about Sia Furler when working at Starbucks in 2008 and we began selling her album, "Some People Have Real Problems". I ended up buying it and fell in love.
Sia has a very special richness to her voice. She can capture the emotion of a word just by the way she breathes in the song. She holds and rolls her syllables at times and it really adds to the gentleness of a lot of her ballads and lullaby's. I have been listening to this album all day today and decided Sia was my artist for the day!

Sia's latest album "We Are Born" is a whole lot different than the direction of "Some People Have Real Problems", however stays true to Sia's individuality and cultural rarity. A few of the songs are a ton faster and dance worthy. If you want a sultry songstress to steal your mind and heart. Give Sia a listen. It will do a body good.

Funfact: Christina Aguilera and Sia share the same birthday.
Christina Aguilera listened to Sia, and came to the point of considering Sia as one of her favorite artists of today. She worked with her on her recent album "Bionic". It's amazing!

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